Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta DScript. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta DScript. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024

GDScript, movimientos y giros por mouse y teclado, presion de teclas de botones del mouse y de rotacion de su rueda;

 extends MeshInstance3D

var is_rotating = false

var is_rotating2 = false

var is_rotating3 = false

var is_rotating4 = false

var speed = 11  # Adjust the speed as needed

var delta = 0.009

var delta2 = 0.009

var delta3 = 0.009

var delta4 = 0.0002

var delta5 = 0.0002

var delta6 = 0.19

var delta7 = 0.19

func _input(event):

if event is InputEventMouseButton:

if event.pressed and event.button_index == 1:

is_rotating = true


is_rotating = false

if event.pressed and event.button_index == 2:

is_rotating2 = true


is_rotating2 = false

if event.pressed and event.button_index == 3:

is_rotating3 = true


is_rotating3 = false

if event.button_index == 3 and not event.pressed:

is_rotating4 = true


is_rotating4 = false

if event.pressed and event.is_action("mouse_rueda_arriba"):

translate(Vector3( 0, -speed * delta6,0))  # Move forward

if event.pressed and event.is_action("mouse_rueda_avajo"):

translate(Vector3( 0, speed * delta7,0))  # Move forward

if event is InputEventKey:

#if event.pressed and event.scancode == KEY_P:

if event.pressed and event.is_action("GRUADIRECCIONDERECHA-I-"):

translate(Vector3(-speed * delta, 0, 0))  # Move forward

if event.pressed and event.is_action("GRUADIRECCIONIZQUIERDA-U-"):

translate(Vector3(speed * delta2, 0, 0))  # Move forward

if event.pressed and event.is_action("GRUADIRECCIONALANTE-J-"):

translate(Vector3( 0, 0, speed * delta))  # Move forward

if event.pressed and event.is_action("GRUADIRECCIONATRAS-K-"):

translate(Vector3( 0, 0, -speed * delta))  # Move forward

if event.pressed and event.is_action("GRUADIRECCIONARRIBA-O-"):

translate(Vector3( 0, speed * delta5,0))  # Move forward

if event.pressed and event.is_action("GRUADIRECCIONABAJO-P-"):

translate(Vector3( 0, -speed * delta5,0))  # Move forward

func _process(delta: float) -> void:

if is_rotating:


if is_rotating2:


if is_rotating3:


if is_rotating4:
